Not the Numbers Game

directors: Nupur Basu (INDIA), Yim Chandavy and Amanda Rudman (CAMBODIA), Nan T Achnas (INDONESIA), Irene Zikusoka and Charlotte Metcalf (UGANDA), Rosana Diaz Costa (PERU), Bruno Sorrentino (KENYA)
producers: Jenny Richards and Emily Marlow (TVE)
(44 minutes) India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Uganda, Peru, Kenya
screening schedule

Six films were edited into a single 44-minute film for broadcast on the BBC-a thought-provoking look at the role women in various countries are playing in order to solve the twin problems of population and development.

The stories include: women in India who are demanding the basic services they need for a dignified life; women in Uganda who are calling for a halt to the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation; a second wife working endless jobs in Kenya to afford school and hope for her children; teenage pregancy and machismo in Peru; industrial employment in Indonesia; and the status of women on postwar Cambodia.

contact information:
John Hoskyns-Abrahall, President
Bullfrog Productions
P.O. Box 149
Oley, PA 19547
phone: (610) 779-8226
fax:      (610) 370-1978