Right Road Lost

(11 minutes) USA
Director/Producer: Victoria Gamburg
UNAFF screening schedule


All Phil Rios ever wanted to be was an artist. His life, however, took another direction. In 1970 he was shipped to Vietnam. When the war ended, he began working for the US Postal Service, and joined the California National Guard as a part-time reservist. In 1991, his National Guard unit was federalized, and he found himself in the Persian Gulf. The reality of the war was anything but simple. In the film, Phil recalls the events that led to a routine military operation that would forever change his life. Right Road Lost combines evocative, original 16mm black and white footage, with Phil's personal color photographs from the Persian Gulf War. The film paints a powerful portrait of man living with the psychological demons of war.

VICTORIA GAMBURG received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Film Studies from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She is currently enrolled as a Master of Fine Arts student in the Department of Cinema at San Francisco State University where she studies filmmaking. In 2000 she was awarded the Jacob K. Javits Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities from the United States Department of Education.

Victoria Gamburg
email: victoria@gamburgfilms.com

All material copyright 2001 UNAFF