Three women from Afghanistan tell their haunting stories. They talk
about the tearing away of their freedom and the human rights abuses
inflicted on them by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Stories show clearly
that for these women, there was no option but to flee and seek refuge
in another country. In the UK the British media do not welcome asylum
seekers with open arms, the words 'bogus' and 'fake' often precede the
word refugee. The women in this film unveil a chilling and dark tale,
after which nobody could question the validity of their plight.
This is Tassia's first film made whilst doing an MA in Documentary at
Goldsmith's College. Before the MA she worked for over 10 years in the
community field with among others refugees, homeless and travelers.
Tassia has since gone on to make two films in collaboration with a group
of people with learning disabilities and a group of mental health service
users. She now works for Dawson Films, where she has been involved in
making films about young people in care and young offenders.
All material copyright 2001 UNAFF