Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin
minuets) USA
Directors/Producers: Nancy Kates and Bennett Singer
Long before Martin Luther King, Jr.
became a national figure, Bayard Rustin routinely put his bodyÑand
his lifeÑon the line as a crusader for racial justice. Rustin's
commitment to pacifism and his visionary advocacy of Gandhian nonviolence
made him a pioneer in the 1940s, and captured King's imagination
in the 1950s. In 1963, with more than 20 years of organizing experience
behind him, Rustin brought his unique skills to the crowning glory
of his civil rights career: his work organizing the historic March
on Washington, the biggest protest America had ever witnessed. But
Rustin was also seen as a political liability. He was openly gay
during the fiercely homophobic era of the 40s and 50s; as a result,
he was frequently shunned by the very civil rights movement he helped
create. Rustin not only shaped civil rights movement strategy as
a longtime advisor to Martin Luther King, Jr., but was known and
respected by numerous U.S. Presidents and foreign leaders.
Nancy Kates is the director
of the award-winning documentary Their Own Vietnam, a portrait of
American women who served in Vietnam. She also served as associate
producer of the Discovery Channel's Mystery of the Last Tzar and
as producer of the PBS series, Computer Chronicles. She is a graduate
of the Stanford University documentary program and resides in Berkeley,
CA. Bennett Singer, a New York-based filmmaker and book editor,
has served as producer or associate producer of a number of acclaimed
PBS series, including Eyes On The Prize II, With God On Our Side
and The Question of Equality. He is executive editor of TIME Magazine's
education program; editor of 42 Up, the companion book to Michael
Apted's famed documentary series; and co-author of The Student Body,
a novel of suspense published by Random House.
Contact Information:
Bayard Rustin Documentary Film Project
1840-B Alcatraz Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703
Email: info@rustin.org
URL: www.rustin.org