A Great Wonder: Lost Children of Sudan (61 minutes) Ethiopia/Kenya/Sudan/USA Director: Kim Shelton Producers: Kim Shelton and Leigh Kimball Description: More than 2 million Sudanese have died in the longest uninterrupted civil war in the world, now in its 20th year. Another 5 million civilians have fled their homes to escape the fighting. A Great Wonder Lost Children of Sudan traces the extraordinary journey of three young Sudanese orphans, a fraction of the 17,000 so-called "Lost Boys" of Sudan, who have spent the majority of their lives either in flight from war or in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Northern Kenya. Having navigated the hazards of warfare, disease and starvation, their arrival and resettlement in Seattle, WA, is not your average immigration story. Over the course of 18 months, these youths have recorded their own experiences through their own eyes and in their own words using digital video cameras. The resulting "diaries" serve as a personal thread throughout the film, incorporating first-hand accounts of their experiences in war with their radically different lives as immigrants in America. A story of survival in its most elemental form, A Great Wonder Lost Children of Sudan explores the concepts of loss, faith, community and freedom as it bears witness to the spirit that drives these young people to rebuild their lives. Biography: Kim Shelton (director/co-producer) has produced four and directed three hour-long documentaries, including The Highly Exalted (1985); Cowboy Poets (1988), Tuscarora (1992) and Lost Borders (1998). They have been broadcast both nationally and internationally on PBS, “POV”, National Geographic Explorer, Discovery, La Sept, the BBC and other stations in Europe, Canada, Australia and South Africa. Contact Information: John Hoskyns-Abrahall, President Bullfrog Films PO Box 149 Oley, PA 19547 E-mail: john@bullfrogfilms.com URL: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com