A Life of Death
(7 minutes 54 seconds) USA
Director/Producer: Dawn Westlake
While the technology of war has “improved,” along with the technology
of how to cover it (stills/film/digital video), the emotional toll on society
is the same. The faces of the dead, dying and wounded are interchangeable
from WWI to Gulf War II. No matter the year, violence breeds revenge which
breeds more violence. World leaders say they want world peace, but at what
price? A LIfe of Death poetically documents the tragic irony of waging war
to establish peace.
Dawn Westlake is an actress/writer/producer/director and President of
Ron de Cana Productions, Inc. in Los Angeles. She has made five films
in the past four years, which have won 19 prizes. She received the Mark
of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists for an
interview with former Pres. Jimmy Carter on the subject of human rights
violations in 1987. Westlake graduated with honors from Northwestern University's
School of Speech.
Contact Information:
Dawn Westlake
Ron de Cana Productions, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90036-4616
E-mail: dawnwestlake@hotmail.com