Looking Down (4 minutes 35 seconds) USA Director/Producer: Casey Hayward Description: Looking Down begins a dialogue about the way that U.S. technological superiority in intelligence gathering interferes with our ability to understand other cultures. Using satellite imagery and still photos from the current war in Iraq, the film problematizes the common implication that because we can peer into every crack and crevice of other nations, we know all that we need to know about their societies. But as the situation in Iraq has proved, human societies, their histories and their behaviors are far more complicated than military intelligence can ever represent. In the film, photographic themes of focusing and resolving images highlight the irony of how little focus and resolution has been brought to bear in Iraq to date and how much we have to learn. Biography: Casey Hayward has worked in various capacities on numerous film and television projects over the past four years. He has collaborated with other filmmakers on a feature film, several independent documentaries, and worked as an editor for many industrial videos. Hayward is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia. Through this program, he is developing his ability to tell stories and broadening his artistic approaches and methods of filmmaking. Hayward looks forward to a career of teaching others to express their unique views through film, while pursuing his own nonfiction works that explore issues of social and political import and provoke discourse about these issues. Contact Information: Casey Hayward, Director/Producer E-mail: caseyhayward@hotmail.com