Terrence Fisher, Daniel Howard (USA) 22'
Terrence Fisher, a teen living in the Louis Armstrong housing project
in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, has had seven of his friends shot
and killed with guns. Terrence is not a gang member or a drug dealer˜just
a normal teenager who likes making hip-hop music with his friends.
What could Terrence do to stop gun violence in Bed-Stuy before losing
another friend, or his own life? Terrence and a fellow teen filmmaker,
Daniel Howard, picked up a camera to tell the story about gun violence
in Bed-Stuy.
Ironically, a few months into the production, Terrence lost another
friend, Timothy, his best friend from elementary school, who was shot
and killed by a police officer right in front of Terrence. The Bed-Stuy
residents were outraged by the killing of an innocent teen. However,
the Grand Jury decided that the shooting was merely a tragic accident
and no indictment was issued against the officer, despite Police Commissioner
Ray Kelly‚s assessment that the killing was "unjustified."
Terrence Fisher‚s work with DCTV includes winning an Honorable
Mention Student Emmy as well as winning the 2005 Sundance Film Festival
Special Jury Award for Short Filmmaking. He also won an Honorable
Mention in the Freshest Youth Awards Show at the Hip Hop Odyssey International
Film Festival (2004) for Hip-Hop and Violence. Terrence is currently
enrolled in the PRO-TV Advanced program and also works as a DJ and
produces music for underground hip-hop labels.
Daniel Howard grew up in the Brooklyn's Atlantic Terminal City housing
project. He has won several awards, including a Student Emmy for his
biographical film, State of Mind: Living in the Projects. Danny also
won an Honorable Mention/National Student TV Award of Excellence (Student
Emmy) for Jai-Yen: Cool Heart, his film on his experiences during
reporting assignment in Laos. Danny is currently attending Claflin
University, in South Carolina, where he is studying Mass Communications
after having been awarded a prestigious Emma Bowen Foundation.
Contact Information:
87 Lafayette St.
New York, NY 10013
URL: www.dctvny.org/bullets/