The Stanford Film Society
and the United Nations Association
Midpeninsula Chapter are delighted to announce the eighth annual
United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF). The festival, sponsored
by Stanford Film Society, will take place on October 19-23, 2005 at
Stanford University (Cubberley Auditorium and Annenberg Auditorium)
with the pre-screenings in East Palo Alto on October 8 and in San
Francisco on October 12. This year's theme is A
Established eight years ago, at the fiftieth anniversary of the signing
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UNAFF celebrates the
power of films and videos dealing with local and global issues: human
rights, environmental survival, women's issues, protection of refugees,
homelessness, racism, famine, disease control, universal education,
war and peace. By bringing together filmmakers, the academic community
and the general public, the UNA Film Festival offers a unique opportunity
for creative exchange and education among groups and individuals often
separated by geography, ethnicity and economic constraints.
Over two hundred and seventy submissions from all over the world have
been carefully reviewed for the eighth annual UNAFF. The jury has
selected thirty-two films to be presented at this year's festival.
The documentaries selected showcase topics from Afghanistan, Armenia,
Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chagos Islands, China, Congo, Cuba, East
Timor, Germany, Haiti, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,
Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Poland, Russia, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, the UK, the USA and
Encouraged by overwhelming positive response from the audience and
the media, we established a Traveling Film Festival. The first UNAFF
TFF event was held in Monterey in 2000. UNAFF Traveling Festivals
have taken place in San Francisco, Berkeley, Monterey, Santa Cruz,
Davis, Sonoma, San Diego, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Honolulu, Philadelphia,
New Haven, Washington DC, New York and in Cambridge at Harvard University.
Our relentless efforts in promoting awareness of global issues were
awarded at the annual UNA-USA Convention in New York, where UNAFF
received the prestigious Earl W. Eames Award for innovatively combining
new technologies with traditional media.
UNAFF is an independent project of the UNA-USA,
a nonprofit organization. We welcome your support, financial or otherwise,
in helping us organize the film festival that promotes documentary
filmmaking as a tool for social and political understanding and which
facilitates community participation in effecting international change.
By making a tax-deductible donation to UNAFF you will directly give
tens of thousands of people the chance to see these important films
that bring us together as a diverse community. Please send your gift
(check payable to UNAFF) to:
P.O. Box 19369
Stanford, CA 94309
All donations are tax deductible.
Warmest regards,
Jasmina Bojic,
Founder and Executive Director
UNAFF/UNAFF Traveling Festivals
Wednesday, October 19, 5:30 pm, Cubberley Auditorium
(School of Education, Stanford University)
Thursday, October 20, 6:00 pm, Annenberg Auditorium
(Cummings Art Building, Stanford University)
Friday, October 21, 6:00 pm, Annenberg Auditorium
(Cummings Art Building, Stanford University)
Saturday, October 22, 1:00 pm, Annenberg Auditorium
(Cummings Art Building, Stanford University)
Sunday, October 23, 1:00 pm, Cubberley Auditorium
(School of Education, Stanford University)
If you would like to receive periodic updates
about UNAFF events please visit: