Priti Chandriani / Dace Productions (India)
Rani Hindustani is the story of a woman who has rebelled against many
social traditions in the process of discovering her own identity.
Today she lives life by her own rules. Unable to come to terms with
male insensitivity experienced with her father and later, her husband,
she disowned both the surnames that suffixed her name Hemlata. Instead,
she chose the name Poonam (after Poona, her hometown) Maharashtra
(her state, which, she feels, is like a father to her) Hindustani
(after India, the country she‚s from). She chose to have a child
out of wedlock when the option of adopting one was denied to her,
and has dared to take on a profession that is entirely dominated by
men˜truck driving. Today she lives with an adopted mother, brother
and a friend, under the family name Hindustani.
Priti Chandriani studied Mass Communications at Temple University
in Philadelphia. Her student films˜Glasshouses, about mime artists;
Kendo, a film about a form of martial art combined with meditation
and What is Art, a satire on art˜prompted her to make off-beat
but thought-provoking films. After a brief stint at Kero-TV 23, Bakersfield
(CBS Affiliate) where she directed Focus, a weekly show and many television
commercials, she returned to India and joined an ad agency, Rediffusion.
Soon she started making commercials, series and documentaries as an
independent filmmaker.
Contact Information:
Priti Chandriani
Pace Productions
ACPA Apts, E-1, 5th FLR
Pochkhanwala Rd, Worv
Mumbai MH 400030
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