Gerard Ungerman, Audrey Brohy (Afghanistan/Iraq/USA)

After assessing today‚s dwindling oil reserves and skyrocketing
use of oil for fuels, plastics and chemicals, The Oil Factor questions
the motives for the US wars in the Middle East and Central Asia where
three quarters of the world‚s oil and natural gas is located.
With exclusive footage shot on location in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan,
the film documents the spiraling violence now engulfing both Iraq
and Afghanistan, a country conspicuously absent from the commercial
media‚s news segments. With detailed maps and graphics, The
Oil Factor features many experts and personalities such as former
Defense Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, MIT professor Noam Chomsky, the
Project for the New American Century Executive Director Gary Schmitt,
Coalition Provisional Authority Chairman Paul Bremer, former Pentagon
analyst Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, current Iraqi government official
Abdel Aziz Al-Hakim, and authors Ahmed Rashid and Michael C. Ruppert.
With both a military and journalistic background, Gerard Ungerman
started Free-Will Productions with his wife Audrey Brohy in 1995.
Motivated by an acute sense of justice, he began producing and directing
documentaries in a purely independent spirit. Productions include
the internationally acclaimed Hidden Wars of Desert Storm; The Oil
Factor; Plan Colombia: Cashing-In on the Drug War Failure; Peru: Between
the Hammer & the Anvil (an AFI award winner) and Confessions of
a New York Call-Girl.
Audrey Brohy, a Swiss native, has developed early in her life both
a raging aversion to injustice and hypocrisy and a keen artistic eye
that first materialized in still photography. After studying drama
and art at Paris‚ renowned Conservatoire des Arts Dramatiques,
she moved to New York where she graduated from the School of Visual
Arts. Audrey started Free-Will Productions in 1995 with her husband
Gerard and shares all tasks from pre-production to distribution.
Contact Information:
Free-Will Productions
PO Box 5476
N. Hollywood, CA 91616
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