Satellite Queens
(60 minutes) Egypt/Lebanon/Palestine/Saudi Arabia
Thursday, 10/28, 9:15pm (Session XIX)
Director: Bregtje van der Haak
Producers: Femke Wolting, Bruno Felix
By focusing on the popular women's talk show Kalam Nawaem (Sweet Talk or Women Talk), this lively documentary explores how Arab satellite TV influences lifestyles and public opinion in the Middle East. Hosted by four women from different Arab countries, this hugely successful prime-time TV show brings the world seen from the vantage point of women to millions of Arab viewers worldwide. Discussing hot issues like homosexuality, terrorism and masturbation, Lebanese Rania, Egyptian Fawzia, Palestinian Farah and Saudi Muna are the controversial stars of a record-breaking television format, bringing in millions of dollars in advertising revenue for its Saudi owners. Who are these charming women breaking new ground? How do they use the power of media to change their world? And what does their talk bring about in Arab living rooms?
Bregtje van der Haak is a political scientist, journalist and documentary filmmaker. Since 1994 she has been making programs for the public broadcasting network. She makes documentaries for Tegenlicht (Backlight), DNW-Rooksignalen uit De Nieuwe Wereld (Smoke Signals from the New World) and Laat op de avond na een korte wandeling (Late in the Evening After a Short Walk), among others. She graduated from the University of Amsterdam in political science and law and from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Her television career began on The Charlie Rose Show in New York. Since 1990 she has written about art, media and culture. In 2002 Bregtje van der Haak, in cooperation with architect Rem Koolhaas and The Harvard Project on the City, made Lagos/Koolhaas, a documentary on self-organization and urbanization in Nigeria.
Contact Information:
Yaniv Wolf at Submarine
The Netherlands
E-mail: bregtje@xs4all.nl
Web site: www.satellitequeens.submarine.nl