Letters to the President
72' (Canada, Iran)
Director/Producer: Petr Lom
This is an observational verité film about President Ahmadinejad’s regime in Iran. Allowed to travel on several of the president’s populist trips to the countryside, the filmmaker (the only foreigner given such access) shows Ahmadinejad to be different than he is portrayed by the international media: He is far less a fiery dangerous leader than he is an ordinary but charismatic politician. During his trips, the president receives many letters—the government claims ten million—from poor Iranians asking for help. The film uses these letters to the president as its narrative thread, and as a device to provide a glimpse into an Iran that is usually not open to outsiders. While not finding evidence for the government’s claim that its charity resolves the problems of most letters, the film does show that promises almost always kindle the desperate hope of the poor—a hope that finds different outlets, particularly for the religious poor, who turn to belief in a Shia messiah, the Mahdi, who will come at the end of time to bring the world justice. At the holy Mosque where the Mahdi will one day reappear, the poor write their letters and put them in a wishing well, hoping their prayers might be answered. What image does the film give of President Ahmadinejad and contemporary Iran? That will depend on the eye of the beholder. The film tries to avoid facile judgment, treating its subjects with respect, and allowing all its characters to express the truth.
Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia Petr Lom grew up in Canada. He received his PhD in political theory from Harvard University in 1997 and was an academic for seven years until he left his university career to become an independent documentary filmmaker. To anyone considering a career change, he says: Do it as soon as possible. Follow your dreams. Entirely self taught, he now produces, directs and edits his own films. Both his first two documentaries, Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan and On a Tightrope (Sundance 2007), have been broadcast in more than twenty countries. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.
Contact Information:
32 Antinoros Street
Athens, 11364 Greece
E-mail: office@filmstransit.com
Web site: www.letterstothepresidentmovie.com