Soldiers of Peace
85' (Australia, United Kingdom)
Director/Producer: Timothy Wise
The current challenges that the world community faces in terms of its sustainability affect everyone: climate change, accessible fresh water, ever decreasing biodiversity and over-population. These issues call for global solutions that will require cooperation on a scale unparalleled in human history. Soldiers of Peace, narrated by Michael Douglas, travels around the globe revealing the inspiring every day people who are proving that peace is a more viable alternative to war. The film shows religious fundamentalists in Nigeria who preach a peaceful coexistence, an IRA bomber reconciling with the daughter of one of his victims, a young Kenyan woman who brings clashing tribes together through football, and Columbian musicians making guitars from AK47s. Featuring interviews with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Hans Blix, Sir Bob Geldof, Prince Hussein of Jordan, Prime Minister Helen Clark of New Zealand, Tim Flannery, James Galbraith, Paul Rogers, Sir Richard Branson, Gill Hicks and Scilla Elworthy. Soldiers of Peace focuses on the countries that have made the most progress towards peace, as measured by the Global Peace Index, and the thousands of unsung heroes who are striving for peace, either individually or in cooperation with others. In a world dominated by the negative, Soldiers of Peace offers an affirmative message that peace can be achieved.
Tim Wise has worked on a wide range of assignments for such networks as BBC TV, CH4 News, SABC South Africa, EOTV Holland, NHK Hong Kong, ABC Australia ‘Foreign Correspondent’ & ‘Four Corners,’ WTN London, DRTV Denmark, Focus Germany, RTL and ZDF Germany. During this time, Tim traveled to some of the most dangerous countries in the world including Iraq, Bosnia, Northern Sri-Lanka, East Timor, Liberia, Colombia, Southern Sudan, Burma and East India. He also did a series of filming stints working undercover from China, Kurdistan, Burma and Sri-Lanka. Upon his arrival back to Sydney, Tim joined the Nine Network as a senior producer working on numerous hit TV shows such as ‘The Block,’ which made Australian TV history by being the most watched locally produced show in over twenty-five years. Tim was involved in the making of award-winning documentary Child Soldiers for ABC TV Australia. Tim is now the CEO of the documentary production company One Tree Films. The core aim is to produce world-class documentaries focusing on social issues.
Contact Information:
One Tree Films
Tim Wise
PO Box 42
St Leonards NSW 1590
E-mail: Info@onetreefilms.com
Web site: www.soldiersofpeacemovie.com