Tapestries of Hope
74' (Zimbabwe)
Director: Michealene Cristini Risley
Producers: Michealene Cristini Risley, Anand Chandrasekaran, Ray Arthur Wang, Christopher Bankston
Zimbabwe is the number one AIDS-infected country in the world. Part of the rapid increase in AIDS in Zimbabwe stems from a single barbaric practice: traditional healers counsel that in order to cure his AIDS, all a man needs to do is rape a virgin. As a result, young girls and even infants are being raped and thereby contracting AIDS. Betty Makoni is a 34-year-old African woman, a child abuse survivor, activist and founder of the Girl Child Network (GCN) formed to assist in the rescue of girls from rape and abuse, and to create a strong path for them back to a normal life. The core focus of this nonprofit is to create a total physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal for these girls as well as to eradicate all forms of abuse. Part of that mandate includes ensuring that girls return to school should they choose to do so.
Michealene Cristini Risley has over twenty years experience in the entertainment and consumer products industries. While working at Mattel and Sega, she was responsible for projects with renowned sports figures Tiger Woods, Michelle Kwan and Ronaldo. Michealene spent a dozen years in Hollywood garnering experience with companies such as Disney, Amblin, Hollywood Pictures and Marvel Productions. Michealene worked on Untitled Jackie Speier Documentary and Flashcards. She is co-founder of Women’s Independent Cinema. Michealene has recently spoken at Executive Women in government, Amnesty International and the UN.
Anand Chandrasekaran co-founded Aeroprise Inc. out of Stanford University in 2000. The first film Anand executive produced is the critically acclaimed Carma. Directed by Ray Arthur Wang, Carma features Academy Award Nominee Karen Black and includes off-camera contributions from Jeff Dowd and Finn Taylor.
Ray Arthur Wang is a self-taught director/writer/producer/composer. Having traveled to forty-one states in the U.S. and fifty-four countries all over the world, Ray finds his greatest passion in making movies. He holds a PhD and MS in electrical engineering from Stanford University.
Christopher Bankston has worked in all capacities of producer on more than one hundred successfully released projects in film, games, music and television worldwide. During his career, Chris was represented by the William Morris talent agency.
Contact Information:
Michelle Titus
Freshwater Haven
50 Woodside Plaza, #212
Redwood City, CA 94061
Web site: www.tapestriesofhope.com