
Abstaining From Reality
(Kenya/Uganda/USA) 9'
Director: Daniele Anastasion
Producer: Wendy Turnbull
Filmed in Kenya and Uganda, this short documentary provides a snapshot of the Bush administration's abstinence-only approach to HIV prevention as part of its global HIV/AIDS assistance. Abstaining from Reality examines how these ideologically-driven programs are actually endangering the lives of the people they're supposed to be protecting. This policy is disconnected from the reality of the lives of women and young people, who are disproportionately affected by the epidemic. The film urges a balanced, comprehensive approach to preventing HIV infections by providing full and accurate information and a range of services that empower individuals to make informed decisions. Abstaining from Reality is a short documentary that demonstrates in stark and powerful detail the grave consequences of the United States' abstinence-only approach to HIV prevention.
Daniele Anastasion is a documentary filmmaker based in Washington, DC. Her work has led her to Madagascar, Zambia, Kenya and Uganda. She has reported for PBS' FRONTLINE/World and currently works for National Geographic Television.
Wendy Turnbull, Population Action International's (PAI) Senior Policy and Research Analyst, works with policymakers and NGOs to increase U.S. support for sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. She is the primary researcher/author of Access Denied: U.S. Restrictions on International Family Planning, and has led PAI's work documenting the impact of the Global Gag Rule and other U.S. policies on family planning/reproductive health and HIV prevention efforts.
Contact Information:
Jennifer Johnson
Population Action International
1300 19th Street, NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036-1624
E-mail: jjohnson@popact.org |
©2007 United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF) |