
The Lost Children of Cité Soleil
(15 minutes) Haiti
Directors/Producers: Andreas Brandstatter, Jean Buteau Remarque
The video documentary The Lost Children of Cité Soleil describes the situation of child soldiers and the living conditions of children affected by armed conflict in Cité Soleil (shanty towns in the capital Port au Prince) in Haiti. This video is based on interviews and touching testimonies from child soldiers, which provide realistic insights on how the rights of children living in such vulnerable conditions are being violated. The documentary was filmed in the 'red areas' of Cité Soleil, Port au Prince, during a period of fighting and shooting among the different armed groups controlling the territory--the same armed groups recruiting children as soldiers. The video is the result of the courage of the two directors who risked their lives entering these areas to interview the children.
Andreas Brandstatter served the United Nations in a variety of posts in the Balkans, the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa, where he had worked in Sierra Leone. The experienced field officer has also held posts at the United Nations Office in Geneva and at the UN Headquarters in New York. He was educated at NYU Graduate School of Business, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Harvard Law School. Mr. Brandstatter was born in Kiel and raised in Hamburg. He passed away a few months after the video was finalized. Andreas was serving as the Child Protection Adviser with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
The co-director, Jean Buteau Remarque, Haitian nationality, is a young Child Protection Officer working for the UN Mission in Haiti. He is the one conducting the interviews with the children in the 'red area.'
Contact information:
Massimo Toschi, Child Protection Advisor
Minustah - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
E-mail: toschi@un.org |
©2007 United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF) |