This documentary tells the story of an infamous experiment created by
history teacher Ron Jones at Palo Alto's Cubberley High in 1967.
Triggered by a question, Jones set out to explore how the Germans
accepted the actions of the Nazi regime. Within days he lost control,
creating a fascist state on campus.
Rotstein has been an award-winning filmmaker, producer, and programming
executive for over 15 years. Many of his films have been featured at
international festivals, and screenings and have been distributed
worldwide. The main emphasis of his work lies on the exploration of
unknown historical events and untold stories. His productions include Total
Control, Guardians of Heritage, Protocols of Evil, Ruin Hunters, The
Liberators - Why We Fought, The Legion-German War In Vietnam, The Teacher Who Defied Hitler as
well as The Eleventh Day-The Survivors of Munich 1972.