Animated docu-short "Bahati" follows a Rwandan refugee's deeply personal story of displacement and survival. Through hand-drawn animation and her own voice, Bahati's journey captures one young woman’s attempt to regain control of her life, as she faces her past to make space for her future.
Leila Shifteh, with a deep connection to Iran, the U.S., and Canada, explores her own family displacement story through narrative-driven films about migrant communities. Alongside her work in film, Shifteh is a refugee protection lawyer and has dedicated over 10 years to forced migration and human rights, collaborating with organizations such as UNHCR and WITNESS. She is Deputy Director of Global Advocacy and Strategy at the Refugee Solidarity Network.
Harun Yasin Tuna, a Turkish documentary filmmaker, shares a similar commitment to migration-related subjects, as well as women's and children's rights. Over the course of 18 years, Tuna has worked on film projects around the world. In addition to his documentary work, Tuna has created video installations for the UAE Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale and is currently developing a documentary series on intergenerational trauma's impact on early child development. He is also leading a video storytelling project focusing on the educational efforts of orphanages in East African countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and Madagascar.