(51 minutes)China/Germany/Switzerland/USA
Director: Rob van Hattum
The new theory of ecologically intelligent design argues that manufacturers' products, when discarded, should either be completely recyclable in the Technosphere or become biodegradable food for the Biosphere. Waste=Food explores this revolutionary "cradle to cradle" (as opposed to "cradle to grave") concept through interviews with its leading proponents, American architect William McDonough and German ecological chemist Michael Braungart. Their ideas are increasingly being embraced by major corporations and governments worldwide, unleashing a new, ecologically-inspired industrial revolution. The film shows how their "intelligent product system," utilizing completely non-toxic and sustainable-production methods, has been adapted by major corporations, visiting a Swiss textile factory, a German clothing manufacturer, the Nike shoe headquarters, a U.S. furniture manufacturer, the Ford Motor Company and a government-housing project in China. The manufacturers discuss the concept of "eco-effectiveness," designing for eco-safety as well as cost efficiency, in their respective industries. Waste=Food also illustrates McDonough's environmentally sound architectural designs, where buildings function like trees, and become part of nature rather than conflict with it, including his designs for Ford's new River Rouge plant, a GreenHouse factory for the Herman Miller company, and a model village in rural China.
Biography: Rob van Hattum has been making radio and TV programs about science and technology for twenty-five years. His television programs have received several awards including the Boy Trip Award for best Dutch Science Film and the Medal d'Or at the Parma Scientific Film Festival. Since 1994, he has been working as a documentary filmmaker and editor-in-chief for the Dutch Public Broadcaster VPRO. Currently he is making documentaries for Backlight (Tegenlicht), a VPRO program. One of his last productions was a documentary about longevity research and the search for eternal life. Alongside his duties for the VPRO, he is Content Director of NEMO, the hands-on Science Center in Amsterdam. From 1999-2003 he was also president of the Science Journalists' Association of The Netherlands.
Contact Information: Lori Fried
First Run/Icarus Films
32 Court Street, 21st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
E-mail: lori@frif.com
Web site: http://www.frif.com/new2007/waste.html